My blog is Notion-powered now!

I pulled out a project I've wanted to do for YEARS

If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know I’m a Notion super-fan. I use it to track my projects, finances, journal, and basically anything else you can think of. Well a few years ago I came up with this idea that I wanted to use Notion as my CMS since I draft all my content there anyways.

At that time, I started to build a library that would use the Notion API to pull in the content of pages, convert it to HTML, and use it with my Gatsby-powered website. Thus @brianmmdev/notion-to-html was born in a very primitive state. Well after several weeks of dealing with little syntax highlighting issues, I decided enough was enough and I powered through the project over the holiday weekend, releasing my Notion-powered blog yesterday.

Next weeks post will detail the process and I’m hoping to update the package for others to use!

Latest content

Check out the latest stuff I published to my channels 👇️ 

@Work - Using the Import Tool

This weeks content piece at PlanetScale is all about our import tool. My video outlines how to take a MySQL database on a server with minimal configuration, tweak the config as needed, and migrate a database with about 3 million records into PlanetScale.

Behind the scenes the really fun part was setting up an EC2 instance in AWS, installing MySQL, and importing that database from a backup into the service.

Interested in my content production process? Reply to this email and let me know, I may detail it on the blog in the future 😉

@Discord -

“It’s been one week since you looked at me…” Actually its been one week since FSC has made its triumphant return and we’ve already enjoyed the company of a few new members which is always awesome! There are a few ideas I’m bouncing around on adding more activities to the server, but more on that at a later date.

What else

Beyond work stuff, last week was my first week taking full advantage of the remote job I have. The family and I took a trip up to IL to visit family and enjoy some Easter festivities. We had a great time and the kids loved to soak up time with their grandparents. The wifey and I actually got to go out a few times as well, which doesn’t happen as much as it needs to these days!

Well as always, I appreciate your support by staying subscribed to these letters. See you next week! 💌