First Newsletter!

After years of saying I’m gonna start one…

Earlier this year, I decided that 2023 would be the year I would go all in on creating content and sharing my knowledge of nearly 15 years working in tech with others around me. If you’re reading this, that means you are among the first few to sign up to my newsletter, and for that I am truly grateful.

I plan to send these on a fairly regular basis, twice per month at the least. To start, a lot of it will be a recap of my content as well as other stuff I’m working on. Thanks again for taking the time to subscribe and read this!

Big announcement!

Before I jump into what I normally plan to send with this newsletter, I’ve got what might be one of the most exciting opportunities I’ve had in a while. This July, I’ll be giving my first ever in-person talk at THAT Conference in Wisconsin! I’m BEYOND excited for this. I attended THAT in Austin TX in January and it literally course corrected my future in tech. Hoping to see some of you there 🎉

Latest video

This video shows you how to handle input from a Discord bot and store it in a PlanetScale database, as well as retrieve that info and drop it in a channel:

What I’m up to

Honestly I’ve got a lot going on lately. Just this past week I prepped the code and script for 10 new videos which I’ll be releasing over the coming weeks. Here’s a list of what’s coming:

I’m also working on updating my branding. A few weeks ago I threw my headshot into an AI profile generator and one specific pic came out that I ABSOLUTELY loved. So much so that I changed my profile image in various places and now I’m working on tweaking my graphics to match, starting with my upcoming YouTube thumbnails:

Feel free to respond to this message if you have any questions. Talk to you soon!