GuardianForge has returned!

I revived my Saas app after a 1 year hiatus

In early 2021, I decided to start work on a web app to allow player of my favorite game, Destiny 2, to share their in-game load outs with anyone using a simple link. The idea came to me when I was watching a video from one of my favorite creators and realized it would be so much easier if there was a quick link that could be used to see ALL of the equipment on that Guardian at that specific point in time. Thus, GuardianForge was born.

Well in 2022, I hit burnout pretty hard and Forge had to take a back seat. I wish I had the will power to keep up with it, but the time away was much needed. When someone posted on a subreddit that they were building what is essentially a competitor to Forge, I realized that I could do one of two things. Be upset that someone else was doing it (and getting ALOT of praise for it) or I could get off my donkey and start fixing what was wrong with MY app that had been around for several years at this point. I opted for the latter, and after one MASSIVE update to the codebase, I fixed a bunch of bugs and streamlined the app.

Latest content

Check out the latest stuff I published to my channels 👇️ 

@Work - Building a DaVinci Resolve Effect

This is a bit of behind the scenes, but one really neat thing I did for work this week was figure out how to create a custom effect in DaVinci Resolve (my video editor) to automatically rescale CLI clips and apply a neat effect to them so they are easier to watch! Check this out:

Let me know if you think I should write up how I did this 🤔 

What else

That’s a wrap! Much of this week was put into Forge so hoping to free up a bit next week to work on other stuff. Have a great weekend!